Kontent Punch Kontent Punch

Dangers of Lifestyle Games

Games faciliate friendships and friendships are determined by esoteric rituals. Lifestyle games have their own perils.

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Kontent Punch Kontent Punch

Jaquaysing Stat Blocks

Jennel Jaquays is cited as the designer for developing non-linear dungeons, let’s take that lesson to stat blocks.

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Kontent Punch Kontent Punch

Hexcrawl Minimums

The minimum organization required to succeed in running a Hexcrawl.

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Kontent Punch Kontent Punch

The Farrow Faction

Iron Kingdom’s Farrow - brutish boar people who follow a might makes right doctrine; Sabbath’s War Pigs, optional.

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Kontent Punch Kontent Punch

Ode to OPDC

One Page Dungeon Contest is an incredible resource to fill your West Marches Hexcrawl with great Points of Interest.

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